Saturday, April 27, 2013

iPad: multi-functional tool that could serve well in the classroom

     Incorporating the use of technology in the classroom is an idea that is spreading like wildfire in the educational community. President Dianne F. Harrison of California State University, has encouraged faculty members to consider incorporating Apple’s iPad and several educational apps into their classrooms and every day curriculum. Harrison was quoted in "More technology in the classroom could affect students and teachers" by the Daily Sundial explaining her plans for iPad usage in education. The iPad is a tool that serves as a textbook replacement, a portal to the internet, a rich reference of material and a container of engaging apps. The use of technology aids students with research, papers, and allows them to have easy access to their assignments. The use of this technology is becoming so popular that Apple has implemented The iPad Initiative. This is an idea where Apple will work with your classroom and help integrate their tablets into your classroom. They are also offering the Course Redesign institute which would be a two-week summer program to train California State University faculty members to learn to use to iPad effectively with their students. They will learn to incorporate lesson plans on the iPad and use apps to help get the class more engaged. They will also be able to go as far as to transform their face-to-face classes into an online or hybrid environment.
     These two initiatives are ways the California campus are looking to use technology to enhance the learning environment and increase the appeal of an educational environment. Harrison said that, “iPads can improve student learning outcomes.” She believes that the availability and use of iPads will encourage students to be more involved in their studies.

Students Share Their Opinions 

     Students have weighed in their outlooks on introducing iPads into the everyday curriculum. Sami Birmingham-Babauta, a sophomore felt that the iPad would definitely make homework more accessible, however it could cause distractions. As I interviewed my friend, Jennifer Bambrick a Sophomore business major at Maryland, she also thought that an ipad could be beneficial. However, having an iPad in class could cause distractions, as Jenna Mantell a Sophomore at Maryland believes social media sites would be readily accessible. Natalie Rup, an education major, belives the classroom could thrive with the use of technology as she has seen first hand.

Benefits go Beyond accessibility 

     Apples iPad initiative contains software application contains 700,000 regular and more than 20,000 educational apps. This would allow students to use other applications to assist them in their homework.
     Harrison said that her goal is to have a rent-to-own iPad plan. This would charge students $75 per semester, and after two years they could on the iPad. This iPad would also charge students less money to purchase e-books rather then hard-copy texts. Limiting the amount of hard-copy books would also decrease the load students have to carry around with them. Students have backpacks that hurt their backs and strain muscles unnecessarily. The use of e-books would limit this strain.

Downsides of Technology 

     The use of technology, iPads, and e-books is not always an ideal situation for students. Computer science professor Lucy Parker conducted surveys on her freshmen students who said they would prefer the hard-copy of a textbook over its e-book version. Students complained of it being difficult to read and focus using a computer screen. They also expressed concern that typing cannot subsitute being able to draw graphs, diagrams, and pictures easily on a paper and pencil. By the time they try and make a graph on the computer, the teacher would have moved on with the lecture causing the student to fall behind.
     My bmgt289 professor also spoke about the benefits and downsides of technology.

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